Falling into Fall Workout Schedule

September has been flying right by, school for the kids is in full swing, and my schedule has been insane which I'm sure a lot of you can relate to. For me it's been a blend of both trying to keep motivated and trying to find the time to keep up the good habits and workouts.

Over the past few weeks I've been able to fine tune my work scehdule to allow both for awesome work and awesome workouts, and it keeps getting better. My goal going into October is to continue to not just get the workouts in, but to create that consistent time and space for them.

How do you carve out time for exercise? Esepcially if you WFH (as a lot of us are) how do you balance time for work, family, and yourself?

Dumbbell Upright Rows

DB Goblet Squats

Incline Bench Press