Allow Myself to Introduce Myself

Allow Myself to Introduce Myself

I wanted to take a quick moment, introduce myself, and tell you a little bit about who I am and why I'm here. As luck would have it for you, I'm a man of many words but not always of the typed kind and prefer the 'short but sweet' (hopefully) method of blogging/writing.

I'm Ryan!

Picture of Ryan in Michigan

Just the facts

  • In my mid 40s
  • Father of 2
  • Husband of 1
  • Live in the suburbs of Chicago
  • Work in game development, and have for the past ~17 years
  • Have a degree in Audio Engineering from Middle Tennessee State University

The Fun Stuff

While I don't have the time that I used to for hobbies, I love; spending time with my family, music and all things audio, exercise / being better about working out, videogames (mostly mobile), gadgets and EDC gear, writing/blogging, and tip/tricks on self improvement (who doesn't want to keep learning and growing?). In addition to all of that I'm really excited about learning more about Hive and all things Blockchain, one of the main reasons I'm here!

Why Am I Here

As mentioned above I do enjoy writing/blogging, even if I don't do it very often despite having a website of some sort off and on for 20 years (more off than on). When I saw what Hive had to offer around building communities and the technology behind it, I just had to dive in and see what it was all about for myself. The possibility space of having a smaller, while growing community, that fosters positive engagement and rewards contributors for that is very exciting and interesting. Making any type of money here, while nice of course, is way less important to me than learning more about the platform and connecting with people who have similar interests and experiences to share; community!

What's Next?

I'll be posting more about my own workout journey and other random odds and ends around that. Through those posts you'll get to know more about me and I'm looking forward to learning more about Hive and the communities within it - thanks for stopping by! Also thanks @fionasfavourites, @lovesniper, and @ocd for the warm welcome message.

(and yes most of the workout selfies I take are like this :) )